
于 泳









简 历
  1. 1. Yong Yu*,Xuan Wang, Dominik Oberthür, Arne Meyer, Markus Perbandt,Li Duan, Qi Kang, Design and application of a microfluidic device for protein crystallization using an evaporation-based crystallization technique. J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 53–60. 2012.
  2. Junshan Liu, Junyao Wang, Zuanguang Chen, Yong Yu, Xiujuan Yang, Xianbin Zhang, Zheng Xua, and Chong Liu, A three-layer PMMA electrophoresis microchip with Pt microelectrodes insulated by a thin film for contactless conductivity detection. Lab Chip, 11, 969, 2011.
  3. Yong Yu*, Yuhong Liu, Xuan Wang, D. Oberthür, K. Dierks, and C. Betzel,Effects of forced solution flow on lysozyme crystal growth. Cryst. Res. Technol. 45, No. 4, 380 – 386, 2010.
  4. Meng Yang, Yong Yu*, Feng Shen, Karsten Dierks, Weihai Fang, and Qinglong Li, Detection of Heavy Metals with Laser-induced Fluorescence in a Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip. Analytical Letters, 43: 2883–2891, 2010.
  5. 王翾, 于泳*, 刘玉红, 溶菌酶分子聚集状态对蛋白质晶体生长影响的研究. 生物物理学报, 26(5), 380-388, 2010。
  6. Feng Shen,Yong Yu*,Meng Yang,Qi Kang,Dual confocal laser-induced fluorescence/moveable contactless conductivity detector for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Microsyst Technol,2009, 15:881–885.
  7. Heng Qi, Yuhong Liu, Xuan Wang, Feng Shen, Yong Yu,Tao Chen,Tiechuan Zuo, Micromachining of passive planar micromixer on poly (methyl methacrylate) substrate with excimer laser ablation,Microsyst Technol ,15:297–300, 2009.
  8. 刘玉红,于泳*,康琦. 溶菌酶晶体形貌的原子力显微成像观测,电子显微学报,27(1):64-66, 2008。
  9. Feng Shen, Meng Yang, Yong Yu*, and Qi Kang. Simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence and contactless-conductivity detection for microfluidic chip. Chinese Chemical Letters, 19 ,1333-1336,2008.
  10. Cui Hailiang, Yu Yong*, Chen Wangchun, Kang Qi, Study on flow characteristics of solid/liquid system in lysozyme crystal growth, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(9), 1196-1204,2007.
  11. 崔海亮,于泳*,溶菌酶晶体生长过程中固/液流动体系的流体特性研究, 陈万春,康琦, 科学通报, 52(7),777-783,2007。
  12. Lan Ding, Wang Yu-Ren, Yu Yong, Ma Wen-Jie, and li Cheng, Improving nucleation in the fabrication of high-quality 3D macro-porous copper film through the surface-modification of a polystyrene colloid-assembled template. Chinese Physics, V12(2), 468-471,2007.
  13. Hai Liang CUI, Yong YU* , Wan Chun CHEN, Qi KANG,Study of growth mechanism of lysozyme crystal by batch crystallization method, Chinese Chemical Letters, 17(1),101-104,2006.
  14. 于泳*,陈万春,康琦,刘道丹,戴国亮,崔海亮,配液结晶法制备溶菌酶蛋白质晶体的生长机理研究,化学学报,V64(12),1284-1290,2006。
  15. Yong Yu and Gang Jin, Influence of electrostatic interaction on fibrinogen adsorption on gold studied by imaging ellipsometry combined with electrochemical methods. Journal of Colloid Interface Science,283(2), 477-481,2005.
  16. Yong Yu, Peiqing Ying, , Gang Jin,Competitive adsorption between bovine serum albumin and collagen observed by atomic force microscope. CHINESE CHEM LETT, 15(12), 1465-1468,2004.
  17. 于泳, 胡劲波,尚军,李启隆,抗癌药长春新碱及其与微管蛋白相互作用的电化学研究,化学学报,62(2),137-141,2004。
  18. 戴国亮,于泳,康琦,胡文瑞,溶菌酶晶体生长前期溶液中聚集体研究,化学学报,62,757,2004。
  19. Guo Liang DAI, Yong YU, Qi KANG, and Wen Rui HU,Studying aggregate in lysozyme solution by atomic force microscope. CHINESE CHEM LETT , 15(10), 1237-1240,2004.
  20. Yong Yu and Gang Jin, Study of the adsorption of fibrinogen on gold-coated silicon wafer by an impedance method. Journal of Colloid Interface Science,268(2), Issue 2, 288-292, 2003.
  21. Peiqing Ying, Yong Yu, Gang Jin,and Zulai Tao, Competitive protein adsorption studied with atomic force microscopy and imaging ellipsometry. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 32(1), 1-10, 2003.
  22. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Studies on the Interaction of Paclitaxel with Tubulin by an Electrochemical method, Analytical Chimica Acta,436,147-152, 2001.
  23. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Electrochemical Studies on the Interaction of Vincristine with Tubulin, Chinese Chemistry. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 19, 1084-1088, 2001.
  24. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Electrochemical Studies of Paclitaxel Interaction with Tubulin, Chinese Chemical Letters, 11(4),351-352, 2000.
  25. 毛燕宁, 于泳, 李启隆, 阿霉素在Co/GC离子注入修饰超微电极上的电化学行为及其应用研究,药学学报,35(3),212-215, 2000。
  26. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Study on the voltammetric adsorption behaviour of paclitaxel and its application, ANALYTICAL LETTERS, 32(11), 2271―2283, 1999.
  27. 于泳, 毛燕宁, 李启隆, 李启隆, 线性扫描示波极谱法测定抗癌药物紫杉醇,分析化学, 27(5),562―565, 1999.


1. 自然科学基金面上项目“溶液对流对蛋白质晶体生长动力学影响的研究”课题的研究。

1. 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目“微重力科学若干基础性研究--空间蛋白质晶体生长的机理研究”。
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“微重力流体力学研究”中晶体生长相关内容的研究。
3. 921 “大Prandtl数液桥热毛细对流空间实验”和“两相多液滴热毛细迁移及相互作用研究”等课题。

  • 1.蛋白质晶体生长机理研究;
  • 2.微流控分析检测系统。