中国空间科学学会微重力科学与应用专业委员会委员兼秘书;《空间科学学报》编委;中国科学院空间科学创新研究院战略研究专家组成员; 科技部国家科技专家库专家;国家标准化管理委员会标准化科技专家
(2007.6—2008.1,波兰Lodz大学,欧盟Marie Curie研究学者)
1. Sun P.Y., Wu C.J., Zhu F., Wang S.F., Huang X.Y. Microgravity combustion of polyethylene droplet in drop tower, Combustion and Flame (2020), 222, 18-26.
2. Wu C.J., Sun P.Y., Wang X.Z., Huang X.Y., Wang S.F. Flame extinction of spherical PMMA in microgravity: Effect of fuel diameter and conduction, Microgravity Science and Technology (2020), 32, 1065-1075.
3. Wu C.J., Huang X.Y., Wang S.F., Zhu F., Yin Y.L. Opposed flame spread over cylindrical PMMA under oxygen-enriched microgravity environment, Fire Technology(2020), 56, 71–89.
4. Wang S.F., Zhu F. Flame Spread in Low-Speed Forced Flows: Ground- and Space-Based Experiments, in W.R. Hu & Q. Kang (eds.), Physical Science Under Microgravity: Experiments on Board the SJ-10 Recoverable Satellite, Science Press and Springer Nature, 2019, 237-262.
5. Zhu F., Lu Z.B., Wang S.F., Yin Y.L. Microgravity diffusion flame spread over a thick solid in step-changed low-velocity opposed flows, Combustion and Flame (2019), 205, 55-67.
6. Wang Q., Hu L.H., Wang S.M., Wang S.F., Chung S.H., Fujita O. Blowout of non-premixed turbulent jet flames with coflow under microgravity condition, Combustion and Flame (2019), 210, 315-323.
7. Zhang Y., Yang X.H., Shen W.F., Zhang H., Wang S.F., Lyu J.F. Numerical study on the stabilization of a self-sustaining steady-state premixed cool flame, Microgravity Science and Technology (2019), 31, 845–854.
8. Li D., Wang S.F., Wang Q. Experimental investigation of buoyant laminar jet diffusion flames in an inverted configuration, Microgravity Science and Technology (2018), 30, 877–883.
9. Zhu F., Wang S.F., Lu Z.B. A comparative study of near-limit flame spread over a thick solid in space- and ground-based experiments, Microgravity Science and Technology (2018), 30, 943-949.
10. Chen X.T., Lu Z.B., Wang S.F. Near limit premixed flamelets in Hele-Shaw cells, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2017), 36, 1585-1593.
11. Wang S.F., Wang S.D., Zhu K.C., Xiao Y., Lu Z.B. Near limit instabilities of concurrent flame spread over thin solid fuel. Combustion Science and Technology (2016), 188, 451-471.
12. Zhu F., Lu Z.B., Wang S.F. Flame spread and extinction over a thick solid fuel in low-velocity opposed and concurrent flows. Microgravity Science and Technology (2016), 28, 87-94.
13. Wang S.F., Hu J., Xiao Y., Ren T., Zhu F. Opposed-flow flame spread over solid fuels in microgravity: the effect of confined spaces, Microgravity Science and Technology (2015), 27, 329-336.
14. Zhang X.C., Hu L.H., Zhang X.L., Yang L.Z., Wang S.F. Non-dimensional correlations on flame height and axial temperature profile of a buoyant turbulent line-source jet fire plume, Journal of Fire Sciences (2014), 32, 406-416.
15. Hu, W.R., Zhao, J.F., Long, M., Zhang, X.W., Liu, Q.S., Hou, M.Y., Kang, Q., Wang, Y.R., Xu, S.H., Kong, W.J., Zhang, H., Wang, S.F., Sun, Y.Q., Hang, H.Y., Huang Y.P., Cai, W.M., Zhao, Y., Dai, J.W., Zheng, H.Q., Duan E.K., Wang J.F. Space program SJ-10 of microgravity research, Microgravity Science and Technology (2014), 26, 159-169.
16. Hu L.H., Delichatsios M.A., Li J., Zhang X.L., Wang S.F., Huo R. Experimental study on diffusive solid combustion behavior during transition from normal- to reduced-gravity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2012), 55, 2035-2043.
17. Zhang H., Fan R., Wang S.F., Tian X.Q., Xu K., Wan S.X., Egolfopoulos F.N. Extinction of lean near-limit methane/air flames at elevated pressures under normal- and reduced-gravity, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2011), 33, 1171-1178.
18. Wang S.F., Zhang H., Jarosinski J., Gorczakowski A., Podfilipski J. Laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of premixed methane/air flames near the lean flammability limit in microgravity, Combustion and Flame (2010), 157, 667-675
19. Tang G.T., Zhang H., Zhu M.M., Yang H.R., Yue G.X., Wang S.F., Wan S.X. Experimental study on the ignition process of single coal particles at microgravity, Microgravity Science and Technology (2010), 22, 27-35.
20. Zhu M.M, Zhang H., Tang G.T., Liu Q., Lu J.F., Yue G.X., Wang S.F., Wan S.X. Ignition of single coal particle in a hot furnace under normal- and micro-gravity condition, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2009), 32, 2029-2035.
21. Hu W.R., Long M., Kang Q., Xie J.C., Hou M.Y., Zhao J.F., Duan L., Wang S.F. Space experimental studies of microgravity fluid science in China, Chinese Science Bulletin (2009), 54, 4035-4048.
22. Wang S.F., Zhang X. Microgravity smoldering combustion of flexible polyurethane foam with central ignition, Microgravity Science and Technology (2008), 20, 99-105.
23. Wang S.F., Pu Y.K., Jia F., Gutkowski A. Effect of turbulence on flame propagation in cornstarch dust-air mixtures, Journal of Thermal Science (2006), 15, 186-192.
24. Wang S.F., Pu Y.K., Jia F., Gutkowski A., Jarosinski J. An experimental study on flame propagation in cornstarch dust clouds, Combustion Science and Technology (2006), 178, 1957-1975.
25. 吴传嘉, 朱凤, 王双峰. 微重力和常重力环境中柱状固体材料表面火焰传播实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40, 2672-2677.
26. 朱凤, 王双峰. 环境压力对热厚固体材料表面火焰传播的影响, 燃烧科学与技术, 2019, 25, 401-407.
27. 张扬, 杨协和, 沈文锋, 张海, 王双峰. DME/O2/N2预混冷焰的着火与熄火研究, 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40, 1668-1673.
28. 朱凤, 王双峰, 尹永利, 刘仁豪, 杨京松, 田柳. 微重力环境 中热厚材料着火特性研究, 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39, 213-217.
29. 朱凤, 王双峰, 李丹. 材料厚度对火焰向下传播特性的影响, 燃烧科学与技术, 2018, 24, 21-26.
30. 王双峰, 朱凤, 卢占斌. 热厚材料表面的近极限火焰传播特性, 燃烧科学与技术, 2016, 22, 402-407.
31. 王双峰, 尹永利, 朱凤, 刘仁豪, 杨京松, 田柳. 非金属固体材料在微重力环境中的着火及燃烧特性研究,力学与实践,2016, 38, 217-220.
32. 王绥德, 王双峰, 王强. 湍流预混火焰熄灭特性的实验研究,燃烧科学与技术,2014, 20, 466-470.
33. 王双峰, 肖原. 微重力下固体材料燃烧特性的地面实验模拟方法研究, 载人航天, 2012, 18, 70-74.
34. 袁莉, 王双峰, Jarosinski J., Gorczakowski A., Podfilipski J. 富燃料丙烷/空气预混火焰特性的微重力实验研究,工程热物理学报,2011, 32, 1241-1244.
35. 任坦, 王双峰, 胡俊, 肖原. 窄通道内热薄燃料表面火焰传播特性研究, 工程热物理学报,2011, 32, 1617-1619.
36. 王双峰, 张海, Jarosinski J., Gorczakowski A., Podfilipski J. 近贫燃极限甲烷/空气火焰的层流燃烧速度研究,工程热物理学报,2011, 32, 165-168.
37. 肖原, 任坦, 王双峰, 胡俊, 赵建福. 窄通道内热厚材料表面火焰传播的实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2010, 31, 1423-1426.
38. 胡文瑞,龙勉, 康琦, 解京昌, 厚美瑛, 赵建福, 段俐,王双峰. 中国微重力流体科学的空间实验研究, 科学通报, 2009, 54, 2615-2626.
39. 王双峰, 尹永利. 卫星搭载聚氨酯泡沫闷烧实验, 空间科学学报, 2008, 28, 22-27.
40. 王双峰, 贾复, 浦以康. 玉米粉尘火焰在开口垂直管道中传播的实验研究, 燃烧科学与技术, 2007, 13, 5-9.
41. 王双峰, 浦以康, 贾 复, 万士昕. 一种低湍流扬尘方法的实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2006, 27, 347-350.
42. 王双峰 等. 中华人民共和国国家标准《GB/T 28876.1-2012 空间实验设备使用材料的可燃性 第1部分:要求》.
43. 王双峰 等. 中华人民共和国国家标准《GB/T 28876.2-2014 空间实验设备使用材料的可燃性 第2部分:测试方法》.